Friday, May 31, 2019

Life of Octopus Dofleini :: essays research papers

Life of Octopus DofleiniIntroductionThis is a research report on octopuses in general, however will focus inon a particular species of octopus, the North peace-loving Giant or octopus dofleini ,which is a can buoy dwelling octopus that lives on coasts of the pacific ocean,from California to north Japan. This report will cover the habitat, andlifestyle of this amazing mollusk, that is so often misunderstood. The octopusis a very intelligent, and resourceful invertebrate whose natural abilitiesshould make this a fairly interesting reading.REPRODUCTION OF O. DOFLEINIThe spawning of the giant pacific may occur at any(prenominal) time of the year,however the mating of the octopus peaks in the winter months, with the peak ofegg laying in April and may. Octopuses reproduce sexually, and have both maleand feminine octopuses. Reproduction takes place as follows The male octopususes his tentacle to take a mass of spermatophore from within his mantle tooth decay,he then inserts it into t he oviduct, in the mantle cavity of the female. Thisprocess occurs at knowledges from 20-100m and, lasts hours. With female octopusesreceiving spermatophore up to 1m long.Female octopus seem to prefer larger males as checks and male octopus maymate with more than one female in their life span, however the male octopus onlylives a few months after breeding, and the female will split up shortly after theeggs hatch.Incubation can take from 150 days to seven or more months. The femalemay produce any where from 20,000 to 100,000 eggs over a period of several days.During incubation the female octopus will take to cleaning and aerating the eggs.This takes place at a depth of less than 50 metersLIFE SPAN OF O.DOFLEINIAfter hatching, the baby octopus (or larvae) take on the role ofplankton, drifting around the ocean feeding on neuston (dead food) as opposed tohunting live prey. This stage on an average lasts for 30-90 days.Without mating the octopus may survive up to five years, and Giant Pacific octopus have been found to reach a weight of 600 pounds, and anestimated width of over 31 feet, But the average size is only 100 pounds and 3m, quieten weighing in as the largest species of octopus.During their life span, many octopus fall victim to fatal, and non-fatalpredation. Therefore a high percentage of octopus are mangle or missing arms,this percentage increases in octopus that live in deep water, perhaps this isbecause older octopus tend to occupy deeper waters and would course have morebattle scars. However larger octopus are less prone to these injuries.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Isolation Theme in Grendel :: essays research papers

IsolationHave you ever felt as though youre alone in the world, level off though you are not? In the book Grendel, the main character is the last of his species, excluding his mother who might as tumesce be non-existent in the novel. Grendel is a monster who speaks a language very similar to that of the humans he watches almost constantly. He feels a certain appendage to them throughout the whole novel, but he is unable to become close to any of them due to his horrifying form. The humans are terrified of Grendel, and attack him whenever he comes near. He feels completely isolated, as do many people in our world.The story begins with a flash-back into Grendels early years. He is all alone even then, but he is too young to realize it and fills this void with imaginary friends. He talks about how he entertained himself during his early years give tongue to Crafty-eyed, wicked as an elderly wolf, I would scheme with or stalk my imaginary friends, projecting the self I meant to become into every dark command of the cave and the woods above (17). People in our world may invent imaginary friends also, sometimes for companionship, as part of play, or for other reasons. ideational friends can serve as an important source of companionship to some children and even adults, especially if companionship is absent for them in the social world. As an spokesperson young children in boarding schools often develop imaginary friends to cope with extreme stress and separation from their inti geminate relations ( a mate is hard for Grendel, especially because hes the last of his species. However, he still has the very(prenominal) emotions as humans when it comes to love. He first encounters these unfamiliar emotions when Hrothgar is given a wife named Wealtheow. Grendel thinks she is beautiful, and starts to rethink his war on the humans when he contemplates killing Wealtheow, saying to himself It would be meaningl ess, killing her. As meaningless as letting her live. It would be, for me, unstained pointless pleasure, an illusion of order for this one frail, foolish, flicker-flash in the long dull fall of eternity. (108). Even though he is a monster, he still feels the same emotion of love that humans do. Grendel and the humans share a common language, but the humans disgust for, and fear of Grendel precludes any actual meaningful exchange.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Essay example --

Ben DischertFebruary 22 2014Research paper J.C. Watts is having a very interesting life. He won the Orange bowl as child his uncle was plead electric chair of NAACP. J.C. played in the Canadian Football League CFL. Won the Orange bowl and had a in the Congress. He was even a Baptist minister. here(predicate)s the life of Julius Caesar Watts Watts was born in Oklahoma on November 9, 1957. He grew up with 5 other siblings Melvin, Lawrence, Mildred, Gwen and Darlene. J.C. was the second oldest. His parents were Helen and Buddy Watts. When Watts was little, his uncle Wade was state NAACP president of Oklahoma. When Watts started grade school, he was one of the first black kids to go to that school. After making it into high school, he told a story of when he made it on the varsity football team as a quarterback but he was the second string. He got so mad about this. He let go of the team and went home to tell his dad. But after talking to his dad .J.C. we nt back to his bearing and asked if he could rejoin the team, the coach said yes. Once the coach put him in a game t...

Nuggets of Wisdom :: essays research papers

Nuggets of WisdomMy family and I often take vacations during the summer for relaxation, or to lower family, etcetera. On one such vacation, I learned a valuable lesson. Parents were created to teach their children little nuggets of common sense, but it is up to the children to listen.We were visiting the Central American country of Honduras. It was a bright, sunny, and hot summer day. Taking a break from sight seeing, and the heat, we took refuge in a tropical style restaurant for lunch. It was a two-story restaurant over the ocean. Along the walls, there were beautiful green foliage that plump, colorful flowers sprung from. Also, throughout the restaurant were wooden poles, painted blue, that dismissals were hung on.The waiter escorted my family and I to our slacken on the second floor. My parents sat at the table, but I chose a nearby hammock. The hammock was next to the open side of the restaurant. As I typeset there, I began to study the ocean. I looked down and watched as t he waves rippled, broke, and crashed to the shore. A salt-water smell permeated through the restaurant. A nearby fan oscillated back and forth, blowing a refreshing walkover across my face. All these elements caused me to relax, and slowly I began to sway in the hammock.Soon after I got in that comfortable position, the waiter delivered the meal. My parents had ordered fish, and had begun nibbling. Since I was not hungry, I only ordered a boozing, which I took back to the hammock to sip on. I began to sway, more vigorously than before, and I closed my eyes to wassail the sounds. My father looked up from his meal and watched as I swung back and forth. He raised an eyebrow, and with a glint of humorous, wisdom in his eyes my father said, David, that hammock is loose. Rock too hard, and you will go flying. Of course, I paid him no attention. I was thirteen years old, and thirteen year olds know everything.Acting as a typical teenager, I began to swing once more despite my fathers war ning. My head was in the clouds, as I watched the waves, and the birds. How could something go molest when everything was so perfect? I did not notice the creaking noise the rope made as its knot came lose. Nor did I realize what was happening when my drink hit the floor causing the glass to break with a deafening sound.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay About Family: Families Torn Apart :: essay about my family

Family ties have been a sour topic in my life since as long as I can remember. Through the years I have managed to cope with the reality of being on my own. Though it was not easy, I have been through more(prenominal) than most people my age. One of the hardest things I had to cope with was moving around as much as we did. I was born in Nurnberg, Germany while my nonplus was in the military. When I was two, my parents divorced and I stayed with my father and lost all contact with my mother until I was 18. After they divorced, dad and I go in and out of three states, and ended up in Wausau. Growing up with an abusive father, and without my mother, was very difficult to manage. To make matters worse, I attended 12 schools in the lead high school, I had no friends. Homework was unendingly a struggle for me, given that I attended 12 different schools. It seemed as if I was always behind or ahead of the class, because the last school was at a different pace or taught things diff erently. I have grown up without relying on family but relied on myself. Even today I have little or no contact with my family. My mother and all her relatives live in operating theatre. I had the pleasure of reuniting with my mother in 1994. When we met again after 16 years I decided to live in Oregon with her. I stayed in Oregon for almost two years by then it was apparent that my mother and I lost the bond that a mother and child should always have. We were disconnected for so long, and I was at such a young age that I found it difficult to be close to her. I have since moved back to Wausau, and started a family of my own. On occasion I talk to my mother on the phone but this has never been a very fulfilling relationship either. Although unfulfilling, it has allowed for approximately progress in our relationship. In the same way I have lost connection with family so has Chakkravann Chucky Saukom. During an interview with my friend Chuck, I learned round very interesting things. Chuck moved to the United States in 1975 with a first class ticket from the U.

Essay About Family: Families Torn Apart :: essay about my family

Family ties have been a sour topic in my life since as long as I can remember. Through the years I have managed to cope with the reality of being on my own. Though it was not easy, I have been through much than most people my age. One of the hardest things I had to cope with was moving around as much as we did. I was born in Nurnberg, Germany while my give was in the military. When I was two, my parents divorced and I stayed with my father and lost all contact with my mother until I was 18. After they divorced, dad and I move in and out of three states, and ended up in Wausau. Growing up with an abusive father, and without my mother, was very difficult to manage. To make matters worse, I attended 12 schools beforehand high school, I had no friends. Homework was always a struggle for me, given that I attended 12 different schools. It seemed as if I was always behind or ahead of the class, because the last school was at a different pace or taught things differently. I have gr own up without relying on family but relied on myself. Even today I have little or no contact with my family. My mother and all her relatives live in operating room. I had the pleasure of reuniting with my mother in 1994. When we met again after 16 years I decided to live in Oregon with her. I stayed in Oregon for almost two years by then it was apparent that my mother and I lost the bond that a mother and child should always have. We were divide for so long, and I was at such a young age that I found it difficult to be close to her. I have since moved back to Wausau, and started a family of my own. On occasion I talk to my mother on the phone but this has never been a very fulfilling relationship either. Although unfulfilling, it has allowed for whatever progress in our relationship. In the same way I have lost connection with family so has Chakkravann Chucky Saukom. During an interview with my friend Chuck, I learned close to very interesting things. Chuck moved to the Uni ted States in 1975 with a first class ticket from the U.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Jose Rizal’s Family

Jose Rizals parents, Francisco Mercado Rizal y Alejandro (18181898)8 and Teodora Alonzo y Quintos(18261911),8 were prosperous farmers who were granted lease of a hacienda and an accompanying rice farm by the Dominicans. Rizal was the seventh child of their eleven children namely Saturnina (18501913), Paciano (18511930), Narcisa (18521939), Olympia (18551887), Lucia (18571919), Maria (18591945), Jose Protasio (18611896), Concepcion (18621865), Josefa (18651945), Trinidad (18681951) and Soledad (18701929). Rizal was a 9th-generation patrilineal descendant of Domingo Lam-co (Chinese pinyin Ke Yinan), a Chinese immigrant entrepreneur who sailed to the Philippines from Jinjiang, Quanzhou in the mid-17th century. 9 Lam-co married Inez de la Rosa, a Sangley native of Luzon. To free his descendants from the Sinophobic animosity of the Spanish authorities, Lam-co changed the sobriquet to the Spanish Mercado (market) to indicate their Chinese merchant roots. In 1849, Governor-General Narcis o Claveria ordered all native families in the Philippines to choose new surnames from a list of Spanish family names.Joses father Francisco8 adopted the surname Rizal (originally Ricial, the green of young growth or green fields), which was suggested to him by a provincial governor, or as Jose had described him, a friend of the family. However, the name change caused confusion in the business affairs of Francisco, most of which were begun under the nonagenarian name. After a few years, he settled on the name Rizal Mercado as a compromise, but usually just used the original surname Mercado.Upon enrolling at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila, Jose dropped the last three names that make up his full name, at the advice of his brother, Paciano Rizal Mercado, and the Rizal Mercado family, thus rendering his name as Jose Protasio Rizal. Of this, Rizal writes My family never paying(a) much attention to our second surname Rizal, but now I had to use it, thus giving me the appearance of an ill egitimate child 10 This was to enable him to spark freely and disassociate him from his brother, who had gained notoriety with his earlier links with native priests who were sentenced to death as subversives.From early childhood, Jose and Paciano were already advancing unheard-of political ideas of freedom and person rights which infuriated the authorities. 1112 Despite the name change, Jose, as Rizal soon distinguishes himself in poetry writing contests, impressing his professors with his facility with Castilian and other foreign languages, and later, in writing essays that are critical of the Spanish historical accounts of the pre-colonial Philippine societies.Indeed, by 1891, the year he finished his sunset, this second surname had become so well known that, as he writes to another friend, All my family now carry the name Rizal instead of Mercado because the name Rizal means persecution Good I too want to join them and be deserving of this family name 10 Jose became the focal point by which the family became known, at least from the point of view of colonial authorities.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Examples of Ethical Dilemmas Accounting

Examples of Ethical Dilemmas Accounting Your supervisor enters your office and asks you for a check for $150. 00 for expenses he tells you he incurred entertaining a client last night. He submits advantage from a restaurant and lounge. At lunch your supervisors girlfriend stops by to pick him up for lunch and you overhear her telling the receptionist what a great time she had at dinner and dancing with your supervisor the night in the beginning. What do you do?Bank Teller You book worked as a verify teller for several months when one of the other tellers who has become a good friend tells you that her daughter is extremely ill and that se must have an performance to survive. She also tells you that she has no insurance and the operation will cost $10,000. Sometime later you ask her about her daughter and she tells you she is just fine now. She then confides in you that she took $10,000. 00 from a dormant account at the bank to pay for the operation. She assures you that she has a lready started paying it back and will continue to do so until it is all returned.What do you do? Computers In your spare time at work, you have developed a new spreadsheet program on the personal computer in your office. It is even out more powerful, yet easier to sue than anything on the market. You share your new program with a friend who encourages you to market it on your own because you could probably make an fabulous profit in a very short time. This is a very attractive option, yet you developed it using company equipment and during time that you were at work. What do you do?Journalism/Advertising Your newspaper has published a report on a national study, which concluded that bottled water has virtually no health advantages over the tap water in more cities, including yours. The study included comments from local health storeowners and water distributors challenging the study. The AquaPure Bottled Water Company, advertising account charge over $75,000. a year, has threat ened to pull its account with your newspaper unless you run another story of equal prominence, focusing on the benefits of bottled water. What do you do? aver also Ethical Dilemma Glengarry Glen Ross by David MametLaw Enforcement You are a rookie officer assigned to a breeding officer for the first six months of your employment. The training officer is a 20-year veteran and is a close friend pf thee Assistant Chief of Police and the brother-in-law of the Watch Commander. The third day that you are working with him you reply to a burglary call at a local convenience store. It is 230 am and the manager has been notified. You are directed to wait 30-35 minutes for his arrival. A short time later you observe your partner take a soda, candy and a bag of chips. He consumes the soda and chips.When the manager arrives, the two of you depart. What, if anything, should you do? Personnel Your company has a firm policy regarding cases of theft of company property. Used company equipment is on a table to be sold by bid each month. You see a valued employee who is 2 months from retirement slip an electric drill from the table and put it in his car before the day of the sale. What so you do? Real Estate A lady from out of town calls you to list her deceased parents home in Liberty. She is not sure what it is worth, but says she will be happy to get $50,000. 0 for the home. You look at the home and feel it is worth at least(prenominal) $75,000, and re4laise it would be perfect for your brother. What do you do? Retailing You are the buyer for a retail-clothing store. Your store has a policy of not accepting gifts. However, over the years, salesmen have offered, and other employees have accepted lunch, theater and baseball tickets. You arrive home from the office and find a new TV and DVD player on you doorstep with a note that says A personal gift for out long standing friendship.Enjoy it with you family in good health. The Jones Clothing Company What do you do? Teacher You have a student who is from a single parent family. The student must work to attend college. However, the job is interfering with the students performance and several assignments have not been turned in. You have determined that a D is all the student can make when a proponent informs you that the student need a C to qualify for an academic scholarship. What do you do?

Saturday, May 25, 2019

China in the Twentieth Century Essay

The grand defect took place from October 1934 October 1935. It meant that communism was not completely wiped come out of the closet by the Kuomintang, that the people of mainland China learnt about communism and supported the communists, that the Kuomintang got control of the south of china and most of the communists died from illness, expo sure as shooting and Kuomintang attacks.At the time it was significant because other all the communists would have been annihilated. Its set up were not seen immediately but in the short term still it allowed the communist army to gather their strength and army and meant that when they tried to take back the country the ordinary people of China knew about communism and its benefits and would support them over the Kuomintang. This also meant that when the Japanese invaded in 1936 they were virile enough and had enough support to fight and defeat them.In the Long term however, after 1949 when China was declared communist the Long March did n ot really have many effects. It was used in propaganda, as an example of the strength and determination of the communists but other than that it had no direct effects.The transition of the recapitulate Tenth in 1911 was another event in the history of China. As a short-term cause it meant that China was free of imperial rule and became a democracy. It also led to the setting up of the Kuomintang and freedom from the tyranny of the Emperors. However, like the Long March for ordinary people it did not make much dispute. alternatively of being oppressed by the Emperors they were still living in poverty, oppressed by the Warlords.In the long term the Revolution of the Double Tenth meant that several(predicate) political parties could be formed, including the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party. It opened the way for change so that different ruling parties could have the chance to make a difference to China and gave more importance to the ordinary people of China, not just the Aristocracy.In 1949 Communist China was formed. In the short term this was very significant. Whereas the Long March and the Revolution of the Double Tenthdid not really improve the lives of the ordinary people in the short term, this event lead quickly to come to being divided between the peasants and the old cruel landlords being persecuted and punished. The communists helped the country recover from the damage the civil war had caused enough that extra food braggart(a) could be sold and government controlled factories could produce goods to sell in the first of Mao Zedongs 5 Year Plans. However the communists wanted everyone to be equal so everyone was paid the same, whether they worked or not. This meant everyone did as little work as possible and were all equally poor instead of equally rich.Also, inappropriate the Long March and the Revolution of the Double Tenth where different political parties were set up or protected as part of the effects the entry of Communist China meant all other political parties were banned. The remaining Kuomintang members fled to the island of Taiwan.In the long term the creation of Communist China lead to the Cultural Revolution where schools and universities were shut down and teachers and intellectuals were persecuted. This was because Chairman Mao, the leader of Communist China decided that China was not communist enough, and that people were turning back to the old capitalistic ways. It also meant that after Chairman Maos death in 1976 there was a struggle between different political leaders in the Chinese Communist Party to decide who would be the next leader of China. Deng Xiaoping won and became the next leader of China.Dengs reforms from 1979-1980 had a lot of short-term effects like the formation of Communist China and were very significant in the short term. Deng restored the capitalist economy system, opened up China to foreign raft and allowed farmers to sell their food for private profit. He set up Special Economic Zones and developed them to improve industry, which lead to the growth of Chinese exports by viosterol% and introduced wage incentives to encourage workers to work hard. He also brought back universities so that young people could study again and overall modernised the whole of China. as yet Deng kept many of the communist ideas, including the anti-democracy stand that lead to the Tiananmen Square demonstrations andthe massacre of the protesters by the army at Dengs orders.In the long term China continues to modernise and expand economically in the capitalist way that Deng introduced. However it is still not that long since Dengs reforms took place so we cannot be sure what other long-term effects they may have.I do believe that the Long March was significant in the history of China in the 20th Century because it meant the communists survived to defend the country against the Japanese and win back the country from the Kuomintang as well as gaining the support of the peopl e to be able to do this. However I think that the most significant event in the history of China in the Twentieth Century was the formation of Communist China. This is because it bear on everyone in the country, unlike the Long March and the Revolution of the Double Tenth which did not really effect the ordinary people in China or change their lives that much. Also it brought an end to the Civil war that led to a period of peace that meant modernisation and social and economic changes could occur, unlike the Long March and the Revolution of the Double Tenth, which lead to more Civil war and rebellions. It also had many short-term and long-term effects, more so than any of the other events I have covered here and lead to political, social and economic change, whereas Dengs reforms only really lead to economic change and modernisation.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Jeremy Bentham versus John Stuart Mill

Utilitarianism speaks of pleasures, pain, quality, quantity, and so forth. This paper in slopes to reintroduce the definition, concepts, as well as, ideas provided by the great thinkers namely Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart pulverisation. It also aims to state the differences between their concepts. Finally, its objective is to key whose definition/concept/idea with regards to utilitarianism is more plausible. Utilitarianism According to Jeremy Bentham.Jeremy Bentham technically defines utility as that property in any object, whereby it ends to produce benefit, advantage, pleasure, good, or rejoicing or to prevent the happening of mischief, pain, evil, or unhappiness to the party whose interest is considered (Bentham 1948, p. 126). Jeremy Bentham developed the aforementioned idea on utilitarianism through the following premises First of all, that pleasure, happiness, goodness, benefit, advantage, etcetera argon wrong that equate to one a nonher (Germino 1972, pp. 235 236).Seco nd is that the aforementioned footing in the first are maskually measurable, thus, quantifiable as well (Germino 1972, pp. 235 236). Third, that an act of people, as well as, the government should be based upon the rule that take full advantage of pleasure and decrease pain (Germino 1972, pp. 235 236). Last however not least, it is the superior happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong of human reach in every situation, and in particular when governmental action is called for (Germino 1972, pp. 235 236).Utilitarianism According to John Stuart Mill John Stuart Mill, on the other hand, sees utilitarianism as the foundation of morals because it holds that, actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Ebenstein & Ebenstein 1991, p. 580). What does John Stuart Mill mean when he mentions happiness and unhappiness, you may ask? Well, happiness he says is similar to pleasure a nd the non-existence of terrible pain or any kind of pain for that matter (Germino 1972, p.240). Unhappiness for John Stuart Mill, on the other hand, is identical to pain, as well as, the deprivation of enjoyment/pleasure (Germino 1972, p. 240). Differences This is where we see the first difference of his thoughts from that of Jeremy Benthams since at this point, he already rejects first premise, that all those terms aforementioned are all similar to each other or that the quality of pleasure is actually equivalent to each other (Germino 1972, p. 240).Deducing from that idea, if pleasures vary in superiority, as well as, in amount, and if only those men who have experienced the entire assortment of pleasures are capable of reflecting upon and comprehensibly articulating their experience are proficient of legal opinion excellence, then the lawmaker/member of parliament can no longer establish/agree on governmental policy on the basis of the greatest happiness of the greatest number (Germino 1972, p. 240). Another difference is that, actually, John Stuart Mill is not foc apply on the greatest happiness of the greatest number but on the greatest happiness alone (Germino 1972, p.240). Utility is still equivalent to pleasure but now there is already an acknowledgment that there are various kinds because of excellence and greatness (Germino 1972, p. 240). Third, John Stuart Mill rejects the thought of Jeremy Bentham, which states that the motivations for humans to act can all be reduce to ones ingest interest and to his own exploration for the utmost satisfaction (Screpanti & Zamagni 1995, p. 95). John Stuart Mill negates this by saying that a human being may also direct pleasure/satisfaction by joining or participating in someone elses happiness (Screpanti & Zamagni 1995, p.95). Simply put, pleasure does not only reply from ones own interest but also from what humankind and harmony is experiencing (Screpanti & Zamagni 1995, p. 95). Last but not least, John St uart Mill declines the idea of Jeremy Bentham, which reiterates that the individualist is the only one capable of judging his or her own interest (Screpanti & Zamagni 1995, p. 95). John Stuart Mill negates this by saying that there are several instances wherein a somebody needs the intervention/meddling of the government for his own good (Screpanti & Zamagni 1995, p.95). For example, the government should intervene if the issue is with regards to education, employment, social issues like poverty etcetera, since a person is not automatically the best judge of his or her interests as proven by the examples aforementioned (Screpanti & Zamagni 1995, p. 95). The More Plausible Utilitarianism Now that we have seen how Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill define utilitarianism, it is now time to scrutinize what is more plausible, utilitarianism according to Jeremy Bentham or utilitarianism according to John Stuart Mill?If we alter their definition slightly, say, what is functional is high- quality and accordingly the high-principled value of conduct is determined by the utility of its results and that the utilitarian tradition sees that the ultimate purpose of honorable action is to reach the greatest happiness for the greatest number (Screpanti & Zamagni 1995, p. 95). If the aforementioned is to become a general rule for our laws then the greatest happiness for the greatest number will certainly be reached (Screpanti & Zamagni 1995, p.95). At this point, we cannot still pinpoint what is more plausible since both Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill upholds that concept. I believe that John Stuart Mills utilitarianism is more plausible than that of Jeremy Benthams because of the following reasons First of all, the premise of Jeremy Bentham that pleasure, happiness, goodness, benefit, advantage, etcetera are terms that equate to one another is a teeny-weeny too vague (Germino 1972, pp. 235 236).It is a little confusing to utilize every term he has given interchangeab ly it is as if all these terms have the same weight in terms of magnitude and excellence/superiority (Germino 1972, pp. 235 236). Second, Jeremy Benthams argument it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong of human action in every situation, and in particular when governmental action is called for may lead to an unnecessary abuse on the part of the government (Germino 1972, pp. 235 236).For me, this has flaws since it may be used to make it appear that there is al shipway a need for the government these parts of his idea should have certain restrictions, for instance, it should be added that, the government may intervene, however, the swallow of the populace also should be taken into consideration (Germino 1972, pp. 235 236). Finally, Jeremy Benthams thinking with regards to an individuals motivations for humans to act can all be reduced to ones own interest and to his own exploration for the utmost satisfaction (Screpanti & Zamagn i 1995, p. 95).To me, it is a little bizarre since he is like undermining the capabilities of individuals to think of ways on how to make himself attain pleasure (Screpanti & Zamagni 1995, p. 95). References Bentham, J. 1948, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Blackwell, Oxford. Ebenstein, W. and Ebenstein, A. 1991, Great Political Thinkers Plato to the President. Harcourt Brace, Forth Worth. Germino, D. 1972, Machiavelli to Marx Modern Western Political Thought. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Screpanti, E. & Zamagni, S. 1995, An Outline of the register of Economic Thought. Clarendon Press, Oxford.