Thursday, May 30, 2019

Isolation Theme in Grendel :: essays research papers

IsolationHave you ever felt as though youre alone in the world, level off though you are not? In the book Grendel, the main character is the last of his species, excluding his mother who might as tumesce be non-existent in the novel. Grendel is a monster who speaks a language very similar to that of the humans he watches almost constantly. He feels a certain appendage to them throughout the whole novel, but he is unable to become close to any of them due to his horrifying form. The humans are terrified of Grendel, and attack him whenever he comes near. He feels completely isolated, as do many people in our world.The story begins with a flash-back into Grendels early years. He is all alone even then, but he is too young to realize it and fills this void with imaginary friends. He talks about how he entertained himself during his early years give tongue to Crafty-eyed, wicked as an elderly wolf, I would scheme with or stalk my imaginary friends, projecting the self I meant to become into every dark command of the cave and the woods above (17). People in our world may invent imaginary friends also, sometimes for companionship, as part of play, or for other reasons. ideational friends can serve as an important source of companionship to some children and even adults, especially if companionship is absent for them in the social world. As an spokesperson young children in boarding schools often develop imaginary friends to cope with extreme stress and separation from their inti geminate relations ( a mate is hard for Grendel, especially because hes the last of his species. However, he still has the very(prenominal) emotions as humans when it comes to love. He first encounters these unfamiliar emotions when Hrothgar is given a wife named Wealtheow. Grendel thinks she is beautiful, and starts to rethink his war on the humans when he contemplates killing Wealtheow, saying to himself It would be meaningl ess, killing her. As meaningless as letting her live. It would be, for me, unstained pointless pleasure, an illusion of order for this one frail, foolish, flicker-flash in the long dull fall of eternity. (108). Even though he is a monster, he still feels the same emotion of love that humans do. Grendel and the humans share a common language, but the humans disgust for, and fear of Grendel precludes any actual meaningful exchange.

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